Thursday, September 10, 2015

New area for college pickem

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So again my daughter and her husband decided to make a Facebook page to hopefully get everyone to see it. You don't have to sign up just to read but you will have to male a free account if you want to reply. So go to
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Roll Tide Roll

Friday, September 26, 2014

Jljmbaker's ship has sunk like the Titanic with his week 5 selections

Like I care about these picks for this week.  Note to everyone, I spent about 30 minutes doing some actual work and then said what the heck; it's not going to matter anyway.  I might as well pull names out of a hat, or place a call to my trusty eight ball; or better still, just toss a coin in the air (the way my luck is going the coin would land on its side).  More on this junk, later.

What do Roger Goodell, Steve Bisciotti, and Jameis Winston's attorney David Cornwell, all have in common?  For those of us that are old enough, think back to the summer of 1971, and the group Three Dog Night.  They released a hit off of their album titled "Naturally."  The song that was released was titled "Liar," which describes these three stooges to a tea.  That press conference by Roger Goodell last Friday, was a freaking joke.  All I could think of while this modern art masterpiece was being jammed up my nose was that King Goodell gets to levy fine after fine upon NFL players; however, when he messes up, he's not held to the same standard as the players.  Something reeks of sewage with this 


As for Steve Bisciotti, he just flat out doesn't give a rip.  After listening to his press conference at the beginning of this week, I came away with two things; first, he's a better liar than Roger Goodell; and second, he has to be the most arrogant piece of garbage to be breathing air, at this moment.  Just wait, it's early in the week; someone may trump this cartoon character before we reach Saturday night.  

And, finally; The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Jameis Winston), continues to develop right before our eyes.  As if what happened last Saturday night didn't tick the majority of the country off with his self absorbed self, running onto the field in full pads with his helmet strapped on, now we have his attorney, David Cornwell sending FSU a 13 page letter in which he claims that the accuser's attorney tried to extort 7 million dollars from Jameis Winston.  Turns out, it was Cornwell who asked for a settlement hoping that everything would disappear.

The following narrative came from the attorney representing Winston's accuser in the Title IX saga that is ongoing:  "Settlement discussions were immediately unproductive as Cornwell was crude and insulting going so far as to say 'your client likes to [expletive] football players,'" Clune told the Sentinel. "When told that the client's main concern was not money but that Winston be held accountable for his actions, Cornwell threatened to sue our client and her parents for civil racketeering in an effort to intimidate them into staying quiet. After learning about Mr. Cornwell's unprofessional conduct at that meeting from Ms. Carroll, our office has decidedly not engaged with Mr. Cornwell at all or anyone else on Mr. Winston's behalf. Although it is our understanding that settlement was discussed, no authorized demands were made of Mr. Winston.   And so it goes, as the world turns, the young continue to be restless.

Speaking of being restless, that was me after the noon games came to an end last Saturday.  I went 0-3 in those early games, and only made a little improvement as the rest of the day unfolded; finishing that fine day with a 4-6 record, with 27 points.  For the season, the record stands at 27-13 with 158 points, good for 95.1%  Well, time to head over to the playhouse and turn the cartoon network on, so I can make a few decisions.  Here's to hanging out with Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck, Roger Rabbit, and the rest of the gang.

Missouri @ South Carolina (10) - How in the world do you justify a loss to a team which lost to Bowling Green the week before.  Indiana is horrible on defense, as well.  Missouri should have hung at least 50 on the Hoosiers; but, we all know how that game turned out.  Now, they travel from Columbia to another Columbia; where the Roosters call home.  These chickens appear to have turned the corner since that embarrassing home opener to Texas A&M.  Look for Spurrier's troops to scratch out a victory over the Tigers, 34-24.

Stanford (9) @ Washington - The nation's number one scoring defense rolls into Seattle to take on the Huskies.  Plus, they have had a week off to get ready for Washington.  All of which doesn't bode very well for the puppies.  Other than the Hawaii game, I haven't seen Washington play.  I do know this, if Washington brings that performance that they showed against Hawaii, they will lose large.  Even if they play above their ability, I still think that Stanford will prevail, 33-20.

North Carolina @ Clemson (8) - I'm sorry, I can't pick a team which gave up 70 points the week before, I don't care who they are playing, or the circumstances surrounding the contest.  Besides the home team usually rules in this series, anyway.  Tigers over the herd of little sheep, 44-28.

Florida State (7) @ NC State - Oh great, Jameis is back in the saddle.  After watching that buffoon and all of his antics in the past 10 days, I will not be watching one play of this game.  I posted a stat the other day where a ranked FSU team which rolled into Carter Finley Stadium and played an un-ranked NC State team had lost the past three times.  Like last week, I'll put my points on the Seminoles and hope they lose, cause I could care less about this bunch of whahoos, especially where Jameis Winston and Jimbo Fisher are concerned.  Noles over the Pack, 44-24.

Minnesota @ Michigan (6) - Welcome to the bye bye Brady Hoke tour.  You can go ahead and stick a fork in him, he's done at Michigan.  The question is will he make it the rest of the season?  If he loses to Minnyhaha, on Saturday, I doubt it.  Besides, tickets to the Utah game were selling for 18 dollars on Stubhub.  Now, this week, there was a local promotion where you would receive free Michigan tickets with the purchase of two Coca-Cola products.  After that went viral, somebody from the Big House campus had that little promotion zapped.  I'm a little leery of this pick; nevertheless, it is what it is, and what it is, is a big mess.  Wolverines over the Gophers, 30-23.

Colorado State @ Boston College (5) - Question number two.  How did Pittsburgh beat Boston College and then pull that Houdini act in the second half of the Iowa game, last week?  And by Houdini act, I'm talking about that disappearing trick that they pulled on Iowa, concerning their offense.  I know what you are thinking; however it's hard for me to stay on point with such a fantastic (cough, cough) slate of games.  As for this match up, Colorado State will challenge the Eagles; however, come the fourth quarter, look for BC's depth to wear down the Rams; to the tune of 33-26.

Duke (4) @ Miami - Miami needs this game; and, by needs I'm talking they need to win this game, period.  Here's another case where I haven't seen a particular team make a play for the season, in Duke.  On the other hand, I have seen Miami play.  They lost both games, and since this one will be on ESPN2, I'll probably watch a few plays just to see if they can make it a trifecta.  Hard to say this where football is concerned; but, the Duke Blue-Devils over the hapless Hurricanes, 33-28.

Temple (3) @ UConn - And now for the rest of the mess.  Not one, not two, but three "Who Cares" games for this week.  Beginning with number three; no need for any write up, because I don't care.  Owls over the Huskies for three points and by three points, 30-27.

Maryland (2) @ Indiana - "Who Cares" number two.  Maryland over Indiana for two points and by two points, 33-31.

Nevada @ San Jose State (1) - And finally, the number one "Who Cares" for this week, goes to this fine match up.  Spartans over the Wolfpak for one point and by one point, 28-27.

I will not spend any more of my time telling ESPN what a great (chuckle, chuckle) selection of games that they brought to the table for us to lose our lunch over.  I tried that earlier in the week; and all that did was cause my account to have a 24 hour suspension.  I told the truth without using any of the Jameis Winston's school of vulgarity words, or phrases, and I got banned for a day.  Any who, better tread at your own risk because I didn't put much effort into this slate of games.  Everyone have a great weekend and Roll Tide.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Fwd: Jljmbaker asks who framed Roger (Goodell) Rabbit with his week 4 selections.

Has there been a Roger Goodell sighting since he was interviewed by a CBS reporter? Seems that no one knows, or will own up to it, as to Goodell's whereabouts. Since he basically lied about no one at the NFL's league office having access to the now infamous Ray Rice's greatest hits on DVD, no one has seen nor heard from him. Meanwhile the NFL continues to have players being suspended for abuse, be it a child, or spouse, or girl friend. What is it going to take to make sir Roger own up to the fact that he lied about the Rice situation. I guarantee you this much, if a sponsor like Budweiser decides to disassociate itself from the NFL, I'll bet we will see ole Roger hop out of his bunny hole and spring into action. The Minnesota Vikings found out the hard way when Radison pulled the plug on their involvement with the team, after the Vikings decided to reinstate Adrian Peterson. At least the Vikings owner made a public statement that they screwed up with that decision and then decided to bench Adrian until there is some resolution with his case.

Enough about the NFL, this site is supposed to be about college football. By now, unless you are hanging out with Roger in his bunker, you have heard about another transgression by Jameis Winston. How many times will we here him say “that's not who I am, that's not what I am about.” Jameis, that's exactly what you are about. He has and always has been one huge screw up, going back to his high school days at Hueytown, Alabama. Since arriving at Florida State, what happened this week makes the transgression count climb to number six. What appalls the heck out of me is that this peckerhead is only suspended for one half, which basically amounts to another slap on the wrist. Jimbo Fisher didn't help matters by responding to a question about Winston's length of suspension by saying “that's how we do things here at Florida State.”

Back in 1963, Joe Namath was suspended the last game of the season and the Bowl game, as well, for a violation of team rules. Bryant had heard it through the grapevine that Namath was seen at a local diner having a few sips of beer. When Bryant asked Namath about it, Namath owned up to the truth; nevertheless, Bryant suspended him anyway. If Namath had done anything remotely close to what Jameis Winston has done so far at FSU, Bryant would have kicked him off of the team, permanently. My how times have changed. I guess this is the outcome to be expected when everything boils down to win at any cost.

Speaking of winning, I didn't do very well with last week's picks, going 6-4, with 36 points. For the season, the record stands at 23-7, with 131 points good for a percentage just above 98. Time to seek some improvement. Time for another installment of Fantasy Island; “look boss, the plane, the plane.”

Clemson @ Florida State (10) – I'm just guessing here, but I'll bet a few of you may have lowered the point value because of Winston being suspended for 30 minutes. I'm giving them 10 and hoping that I lose. Jimbo Fisher has become Bozo The Clown in his handling of his star player. As for the game, Clemson has won only once in Tallahassee; I'm hoping that they can double that number on Saturday night. Probably not. Criminoles, excuse me, Semi Holes (now I feel better), make that Seminoles over the Tigers, 34-24.

Mississippi State @ LSU (9) – With Mississippi State, it seems like we go through this same scenario every year. Great out of the gate, only to be derailed by LSU, or Auburn, or a combination of both. The last time the Dogs beat LSU was the year before Saban's arrival. By my count that is 14 in a row for LSU. Also, the last time the Dog Pound won in Baton Rouge was in 1991. Did I mention that the game was at night. That's good enough for me. Tigers over the Bullpuppies, 38-23.

Iowa @ Pittsburgh (8) – Here's a fact; I don't do very well on picking games in which Iowa is a part of. If I pick them, they implode. If I pick against them, in the words of Paul Harvey; “Now you know the rest of the story.” Two reasons as to why I'm taking Pittsburgh; first, the Hawkeyes looked terrible against Iowa State; and, second, the Panthers won at Boston College, 30-20. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Taking the Panthers over the Hawkeyes, 27-14.

Miami @ Nebraska (7) – Kudos to Al Golden and the University of Miami for giving the backup QB the boot for having a false DL and other transgressions. Are you listening Jimbo Fisher? Probably not because that's how they roll at Free Shoes University. As for the Hurricanes, a win in Lincoln would go a long way in helping the program get back on track: however, I don't think that Miami has ever won at the Corn huskers house. Look for Big Red to upend the U, and send them back to South Beach with an L, 30-17.

Oklahoma (6) @ West Virginia – Alright Bob Stooper Duck, lose this game and your credibility concerning the SEC goes right down the crapper; considering that Alabama has beaten WVU, to start the season. I probably would have picked West Virginia over the Sooners if I hadn't watched the Maryland game, last week. Nevertheless, I watched, and what I saw bothers me concerning the bad coaching decisions that Dana Holgorsen made in the second half, which almost cost the Mountaineers the victory. Pull a couple of those stunts against the likes of Oklahoma and see what happens. Regardless, I think that the Sooners will prevail in Morgantown, come Saturday night, 38-27.

Georgia Tech @ Virginia Tech (5) – How in the world does a team go in to Columbus and win only to come back home the next week and lose to East Carolina. Talk about a reality check. Now, they catch Tech and that triple option offense. Also, how many times has Virginia Tech lost back to back games at home. I'm thinking that the number is very low. So low that I'm on the Gobbler bandwagon because the Yellow-jackets have no passing offense. Tech (Va) over Tech (Ga), 28-17.

Utah (4) @ Michigan – Until the B1G actually beats some of the competition from the other power conferences, I find it very hard to pick any of them, with Nebraska being the lone exception for this week (only because Miami has looked very poorly to date). I haven't seen the Utes play this season; but, I have seen Michigan play; and what I've seen out of the Wolverines has been very disturbing. One thing has been a given, Gardner continues to make glaring mistakes, week after week. I'm thinking that a loss here will have the Maize & Blue faithful start to squawk about ole Brady needing the boot. What the heck, I'll toast to cranking up the heat of Hoke's rear end; Utah over Michigan, 30-21.

Rutgers @ Navy (3) – Fifty percent of the games on this week's slate involves B1G teams. Why ESPN? What is your love affair with the B1G? Only one PAC-12 team and one SEC match up make the grade. As for this game, Navy has had an extra week to prepare for Rutgers. And the Midshipmen would like nothing better than to beat a team from one of the five power conferences. Navy over the Scarlet Knights, 23-21.

North Carolina (2) @ East Carolina – Here's another case where ESPN is in love with a particular conference, the ACC, seeing as there are six match ups on this week's slate. I know nothing concerning North Carolina. I haven't seen them take a snap this season. We all know what East Carolina did to Virginia Tech, last week. I'm picking the Tar Heels because they are seeking revenge over the Pirates from last year's loss. North over East, 28-24.

Maryland @ Syracuse (1) – And finally, the “Who Cares” game of the week. Really ESPN; is this the best that you Einsteins could come up with? This is one game that I have ZERO interest in. I'll take the home team only because that I have to pick a side. The Orangemen (opps, I forgot, they are just the Orange; don't want to offend anyone), over the Turtles, 31-30.

Well, another week has bitten the dust. I make no apologizes concerning my rant against Jimbo Fisher and that stupid quarterback of his. As usual, tread at your own risk, particularly concerning my love affair, or the lack there of, where B1G teams are in play. Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy the games; and Roll Tide.


Jljmbaker sees Smoke From a Distant Fire with his week three selections

I knew that perfection wasn't long for my neck of the woods when I first saw the pick'em slate for week two games.  Same rule applies for this week's mess.  More on that later.

There were a lot of things that struck my fancy during this past week.  I finally narrowed it down to three items of business.  The Ray Rice debacle, the Big 10 demise, and the SEC's tough (chuckle, chuckle) slate of games, from this past week.

Starting with Rice.  First question; what the heck did the NFL think happened to Janey Palmer (before she became Mrs. Rice), when Ray dragged her body out of the elevator.  She didn't have a problem walking in, and the NFL certainly saw that footage.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something occurred on that elevator for her to be in that position.  Now you have a law enforcement official telling the AP, that a copy of the video was sent to a lady at the NFL's office; and, as an extra bonus, there is a 12 second response stating that (I'm paraphrasing here) she did receive it and that it was worse than she expected it to be.  On the other hand, we have Roger Goodell telling CBS news in his interview, that NO ONE from his office had seen the actual video that was released by TMZ sports.  Opps.  Like I said earlier in the week; Lucy, you got some splanning to do.  As for Ray Rice, I believe that he was truthful with his information as to what happened when he talked with the Ravens, as well as the NFL office.  My thinking is that the NFL figured that if they could keep that video from hitting the public airwaves, all would be well.  What they didn't count on was the public outcry after the two game suspension was placed on Rice.  Therefore, Lord Goodell decided that he might be able to calm the masses by increasing the first offense to a six game suspension, and a second offense would lead to a permanent ban from the NFL.  In the end, there's that darn video.  Time for Goodell to Exit, Stage Right.  In other words, he needs to go,or be let go.

Now for the Big 10.  Correct me if I'm wrong because I didn't look this up; but, at the start of the season, wasn't the Big-10 rated fifth out of the five power conferences?  If they weren't, after last Saturday, they are last now.  In three nationally televised games (Michigan/Notre Dame, Michigan State/Oregon, Virginia Tech/Ohio State), the combined score for all three were 113-47.  As if that weren't bad enough, two other Big-10 schools (Northwestern, Purdue), both lost to MAC schools; and a third, Iowa, had to come from behind in the fourth quarter to beat Ball State.  Least we not forget that Nebraska had to pull out a miracle run in the closing seconds to beat FCS McNeese State.  Talk about a rough weekend.

As for the SEC.  What the heck was that crap, last week.  I'm ashamed as a follower of the SEC, that this conference would even think of playing a schedule like last week's.  Talk about cupcake central.  It doesn't get any easier than what the SEC played last week.  With only one conference game (Ole Miss/Vandy), which wasn't any good, here's the rest of the line up from a week ago:  Florida Atlantic, Toledo, Arkansas State, University of Alabama (Birmingham), Ohio, Eastern Michigan, Nicholls State, San Jose State, East Carolina, Lamar, and Sam Houston State.  Enough said.

As for last week, I went back to being my usual self going 7-3, with 40 cheese crackers.  For the season, I'm 17-3, with 95 points, good for 96.4%.  As for this week's games, I'll be lucky to see 40 points.  Heck, I would take 40 points if ESPN would give it to me without having to pick this mess of games.  Let the laughing begin.

Central Florida @ Missouri (10) - Central Florida has had an extra week to recover from their Ireland adventure.  Meanwhile, Missouri stepped up their game in that blowout over Toledo, last week.  For Central Florida, I don't think they have enough horses for their Knights to ride into Columbia, and be very effective against these hungry Tigers.  Too much Maty Mauk for UCF to overcome.  Tigers over the Knights, 34-20.

UCLA (9) vs Texas @ Dallas - Let's face it, Texas is one big train wreck, right now.  And, from what I saw against BYU, last Saturday; you don't fix that problem in one week.  On the other hand, UCLA hasn't lived up to its potential, either; nevertheless, they do own a 2-0 record, no matter how they got there.  Time for Bret Hundley to shine in the prime (time), and find another gear for his Bruins.  As for the Horns, it's looking more like wait till next year; or two.  Bruins over the Longhorns, 37-17.

Louisville (8) @ Virginia - Louisville looked good in their season open victory against Miami.  Virginia looked good, even though they lost to UCLA, to begin the season.  Last week Virginia beat Richmond; but, they were out gained by the Spiders, 422 to 330 yards.  The thing that beat the Spiders was that they turned the ball over seven times.  What surprises me about Louisville is that they are running the ball pretty efficiently.  That fact doesn't bode very well for the Cavs.  Look for the Cardinals to take a 2-0 lead in the Atlantic division of the ACC, with a win over Virginia, 34-24.

Penn State (7) @ Rutgers - For Penn State, they received a bit of good news this week; the bowl ban and the scholarship reduction were lifted.  For Rutgers, the news wasn't so good, with all the Ray Rice mess to deal with.  As for this game, don't read too much in the fact that the Scarlet Knights are 2-0.  Those two wins came against an awful Washington State team, and Howard University.  Who the heck is Howard University?  Sounds like some of the competition that the SEC feasted on, last week.  As for Penn State, I was quite surprised that they were able to pull out that Irish miracle to begin the season; and, as an added bonus, they are learning to play on the defensive side of the ball.  Look for Mount Nittany to come alive in New Jersey.  Lions over the Scarlet Knights, 28-20.

Georgia (6) @ South Carolina - If history is worth anything, Georgia doesn't score too many points when it plays in Columbia.  The last six times that the dawgs have played at South Carolina, they have averaged just 13 points.  However, this South Carolina team doesn't possess its usual cast of out standing roosters; nor is this the same dog pound that tucked its tail and ran the last time they played in Columbia, with the chickens winning that one 35-7.  This one stat alone is amazing; South Carolina is giving up 416 passing yards per game.  In addition to Georgia being able to run the ball, they have play makers at the receiver position, as well.  Just check out number 82. The woes continue for the old ball coach, Georgia over South Carolina, 34-24.  

West Virginia (5) @ Maryland - They call this game the backyard brawl, and that anything can happen, so throw all the stats out the window.  Okay, the first thing that I'm going to do is throw this year's edition of the Turtles back into the pond.  In two games this season, Maryland has turned the ball over seven times against not-so-good competition.  Plus West Virginia wants to make amends for that 37-0 loss, a year ago.  Maryland runs the ball pretty well (minus the turnovers), but their passing game is in the crapper.  I'll take the better balanced team here in West Virginia.  The Mountaineers over the Turtles, 33-24.

North Carolina State @ South Florida (4) - The three wins by these two teams came against Georgia Southern, Old Dominion, and Western Carolina.  State has to hit the road for the first time this season.  I don't have a clue as to how the Wolfpak have looked so far; however, if the score of their two wins is an indicator to measure by, I'll take the team that has played the tougher schedule so far.  South Florida gets bullish over the Wolfpack, but not by much, 24-21.

Iowa State (3) @ Iowa - Another rivalry game where you can expect the unexpected to occur.  With that in play, I'll take the Cyclones; they are 0-2, and the Hawkeyes are 2-0.  Sounds reasonable to me.  You can also add that Iowa trailed Ball State going into the fourth quarter, 13-3.  They did manage to score the go ahead touchdown with a minute remaining in the game to eek out a 17-13 win.  Look for the Cyclones to twist a few Hawkeyes necks and score a much needed win, 27-24.

Arkansas (2) @ Texas Tech - For one half, Arkansas went toe to toe with Auburn.  Meanwhile, Texas Tech had to hold on for dear life in their season opener against Central Arkansas, and then followed that fine win (cough, cough), with a late fourth quarter score to beat a very bad UTEP team (they were 2-10, last year), 30-26.  Arkansas can throw the ball.  We know they can run the ball, as well, which doesn't bode well for that porous defense of the Red Raiders.  Looking for the Hogs to run (and throw) wild against the Red-Raiders, say 35-31.

Indiana (1) @ Bowling Green - And now for the "who cares" game of the week.  I swear, they get worse with every week that passes.  This one is a true clunker.  I'll donate my one point to the flip of the coin, which came up tails for the visiting team.  In other words I have no clue with this one.  Only that Indiana has had an extra week so that they can look beyond terrible, considering that they only beat Indiana State, 28-10, in week one.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Big-10 laid another big one and lost another game to a MAC foe.  Oh well, Hoosiers over the Falcons, 28-27.

Man, this is one sorry selection of games.  ESPN could have done a heck of a lot better than this showing.  Heck, you can't even watch the West Virginia/Maryland game unless you have ESPN 3, or subscribe to that stupid game plan of ESPN's.  Does anybody have ESPN's game plan?  There was a time when I used to have it; but those days are long gone.  Any who, tread carefully and follow the above at your own risk.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the games.  Until we meet again, Roll Tide.


Jljmbaker puts perfection in the rear view mirror with his week two selections

How about that.  I finally have a perfect week along with 24,000 other Einsteins.  Since I've reached the summit, there's no need to play this EASY game anymore.  Chuckle, chuckle.  After looking at this week's pick'em slate, I'm betting that perfect scores are going to be in short supply.  And, with what I've picked; there's no need for me to worry about having any 55's anytime soon.  I'll deal with that later.

Let's revisit week one for just a few moments.  I'll bust it up in three categories; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  In regards to the good, the best showing from last week goes to the Georgia Bulldogs.  With the score tied up at the half with Clemson, Georgia ran away from the Tigers in the second half, 24-0.  Gurley proved that he wasn't a girly man, rushing for 198 yards and returning a kickoff for a 100 yard TD.  Also, how about Texas A&M plucking the feathers out of the SC roosters. I didn't see that coming, and neither did the majority of EXPERTS from our beloved ESPN.  How about Southern California running 102 offensive plays against Fresno State, in a runaway, 52-13.  And finally, for the fifth year in a row, North Dakota State (an FCS school) beat a FBS school; with it's latest victim being Iowa State.  Keep in mind, North Dakota State trailed 14-0, before they cranked up their offense and reeled off 34 unanswered points against the Cyclones.  Also, The Espy for the most amazing catch of the year goes to Jordan Westerkamp of Nebraska.  Yes, I know it's early in the season; however, that behind-the-back catch will be a hard one to surpass.

For the bad; Florida State's win over Oklahoma State; Alabama's win over West Virginia; UCLA's win over Virginia.  Take your pick as to which team was the worst of those three.  I'm taking UCLA, primarily because they didn't have any offense.  Thank goodness their defense scored three touchdowns; otherwise it would have been a long flight back to the left coast.  As for Alabama, the left corner back was burnt toast on four different plays, two of which were touchdowns for West Virginia.  Also, special teams for the Tide allowed another score; that's three straight games in which that situation has occurred.  Plus, Alabama did not have an interception or a fumble recovery.  I can't remember the last time that has happened on a Nick Saban coached team.  With Florida State, they were up 17-0, and had to hold on for dear life against the Pokes; nevertheless, they won 37-31.  And wouldn't you know it, Jameis Winston's crab legs provided a crucial score for the Seminoles in the third quarter.

For the ugly; South Carolina's loss to Texas A&M; Vandy's loss to Temple; Miami's loss to Louisville; and Washington's win over Hawaii.  I've already made mention of South Carolina's demise.  With Vanderbilt, they looked like the Vanderbilt of old (before James Franklin arrived).  Now, they look like they are on their way back to being the door mat of the SEC.  As for Miami, I thought they would at least be competitive, for the whole game and not just the first half.  Now, the Canes will struggle to break even, for the rest of the season.  Now, for the Washington/Hawaii game.  Hawaii beat the Huskies in every category except for the one that counts; the score, 17-16.  This week, the Huskies take a step down and play FCS Eastern Washington.  They better be thankful that the game is in Seattle and not on that red turf that the Eagles call home.  As for the ugliest individual award, that trophy was and will be won EVERY week by none other than Lou Holtz.  Every time he opens his mouth, and just when you think he couldn't possibly top what he just said; he takes another step up Mount Stupid.  I keep waiting and hoping that Mark May will back-hand that numb-skull, and hopefully knock some sense into that stupid head of his. 

With that said, last week is just that, last week.  Quite a few went 10-0's, with 55 points.  We will see how many are left undefeated, after the second week comes to a close.  So, without further adieu, I welcome you back for more comic relief.  On to the selections.

Ole Miss @ Vanderbilt (10) - What the heck was that last week in Nashville.  We have high school teams around here that look better than what Vandy put on display against Temple.  As for the Rebels, they looked rather "plain Jane"  against Boise State, for three quarters.  Sunshine (Bo Wallace; he reminds me of the character that played the QB in Remember The Titans with that hair of his), had better step up his game.  That gunslinger mentality of his, cost his team three interceptions in their win over Boise State.  If Hugh Freeze wants his team to be taken seriously, they had better blow the Doores off Vanderbilt's ship.  I'm betting that they will.  The Rebel Yell over the Commodores, 39-13.

Virginia Tech @ Ohio State (9) - During my struggle to handicap these games for this week, I read somewhere that Ohio State has won 66 straight games against un-ranked opponents.  What I don't remember is whether that was 66 straight at home or home/away.  Either way, Urban Oscar Meyer is 15-0 at the Horseshoe, since he became the Buckeye coach, and Virginia Tech is not ranked, as of yet.  And, after Saturday night occurs, two trends will carry on, Tech will still be un-ranked and Meyer will still be perfect at Columbus.  The Buckeyes will pluck the beards off of those gobblers, 33-16.

Kansas State (8) @ Iowa State - How many times has a Bill Snyder coached team lost when they were the heavy favorite to win.  Look no further than last year when they opened the season against North Dakota State and lost 24-21.  That same North Dakota State team that blasted Iowa State, last week.  I don't know what the expectations were in Ames Iowa, for this season; but, I'm guessing that they were hoping to be better than what took place, last week.  If the Wildcats keep the turnovers to two or less, look for K-State, to gash more holes in that Cyclone defense; say 38-21.

Michigan State @ Oregon (7) - Turn your TV to any sports station; this is the lead story for this week in college football, and rightfully so.  I find it interesting that Michigan State hasn't played in a top 10 match up since 19 freaking 66.  Are you kidding me?  Hasn't Oregon played in about five or six top 10 match ups within the last four or five seasons?  It must be correct because ESPN says so; and, they are never wrong; chuckle, chuckle.  No need for me to add my two cents on this game.  All I want to here is that fog horn sound off between 12-15 times and watch that Duck mascot wear himself out doing push-ups, after every Oregon score.  In the end, look for the Ducks to fly away from the Spartans, 33-26.

Maryland (6) @ South Florida - I probably have the Turtles a little too high, this early in the season.  Any who, after South Florida had to hold on for dear life against Western Carolina, there's no way that I can pick the Bulls.  That passing game of South Florida's is horrific, to the tune of 35% against an FCS school, no less.  If Maryland can stop the run game, the Terrapins should clamp on to the rear end of the Bulls and chew out a victory, 30-23.

Missouri (5) @ Toledo - More than half of the so-called EXPERTS are calling for the upset of Toledo over Missouri.  And ninety percent of the time, those so-called EXPERTS are wrong.  Case closed.  Plus, Gary Pinkel is the winningest coach at both Missouri and Toledo.  The Tigers didn't show anything last week; they didn't need to.  Look for the Tigers to launch a few rockets of their own against Toledo, 34-24.

USC @ Stanford (4) - I don't throw too many guarantees out when I'm talking about college football; but, I will guarantee you this much, Southern California will NOT run 100 plus plays on offense against Stanford.  That you can take to the bank.  In regards to this game, Stanford owns the blue print on how to slow down a team; just keep the ball for 12 to 15 play drives.  Also, it's payback time for Stanford, in that USC upset them, last season.  I'll take the Tree (stupid mascot) over the men of Troy, 31-24.

BYU (3) @ Texas - Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  Texas screwed me last year in this contest.  Yes, I know the game is in Austin; however, not much has changed on the Cougar side of the equation.  As for the Longhorn side, it looks like all heck has broken loose.  More players (starters) have been suspended for this game, in addition to losing David Ash to a head injury (concussion).  So give me the kitties over the Austin Cattle Company, 34-25.

Michigan (2) @ Notre Dame - Let me get this straight, in the past three seasons, the Irish have decided to quit playing Michigan State and Michigan.  Oh, brother Bluto, the schedule is too tough, we must lighten the load for more ACC foes.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  Besides, Notre Dame belongs in the Big 10, not the ACC.  Just because it is Notre freaking Dame, they think that they are entitled to pick and choose whatever they would like to.  More reason to hate the stinking Irish.  Like I needed another reason besides Lou Holtz.  As for this game, look for Devin Gardner to pick apart the Irish secondary and close the chapter of this storied series with a win, 35-21.

Central Michigan (1) @ Purdue - Three things are a certainty in this life; death, taxes, and ESPN providing us with another stellar (cough, cough) match up.  They truly out-did themselves with this "Who Cares" masterpiece.  So, keeping up with the spirit of things, I'll take Central Michigan to help the state of Michigan win the daily-double over the state of Indiana, when they edge out Purdue, 28-27.

Well, that puts the wraps on week number two.  This was a much more challenging week of games to mess with.  Again, let me remind any newcomers to tread at your own risk, because I do this for fun.  May each and every one of you have a great and safe weekend.  I hope your favorite team wins as long as it doesn't affect my team.  Until next week, may the force be with you, and Roll Tide.  Later


Jljmbaker cranks up the heat with his week one selections

Hallelujah, we are less than a few days before kickoff.  Thank goodness, I'm tired of everyone speculating every college team to death on why they will, or will not be, champion of this or that.  Tired of all the useless garbage about which conference is better.  Who cares.  Come Thursday, everything that matters will begin to sort itself out with whatever happens on the field; and not on some message board, or the glorified halls of ESPN, or CBS, etc, etc.  I hope that everyone that matters had a prosperous and safe off-season, without too much hectic mess to deal with.  With that said, let's get the party started.

Before I release the selections, let's take a look at coaches on the hot seat, coming into this season.  I'll take the conferences in alphabetical order so as not to offend anyone.  Starting with the  Atlantic Coast Conference:
1)  The top award goes to Mike London of Virginia.  His last two seasons have gone 4-8, and 2-10.  Last year's team allowed over 400 yards of total offense.  In his four seasons with Virginia, his overall record is 18-31, with one winning season.  By those numbers, London has been a step down from the man he replaced, Al Groh.  
2)  Paul Johnson of Georgia Tech.  The natives in the ATL are becoming a little restless; and Johnson needs to be better than 50%.  However, that boring offense that he runs isn't fooling anyone that matters.  For him to remain at Tech, he has to win eight or more games, this season.
3)  Al Golden of Miami.  This is a stretch because I think that Golden will get at least one more year considering the toxic waste dump that he inherited.  Nevertheless, keep this in mind; in 2005, Mike Shula went 10-2, and followed that up with a 6-6, in 2006.  Golden's canes were 9-4, last year; therefore, he can't have a Shula hiccup and expect to survive for another season.
Next in line.  Paul Chryst of Pittsburgh. 

Next up, the Big 12.
1)  Hands down, it's the Pillsbury Dough Boy from Kansas, Charlie Weis.  Yes, I know it's Kansas; however, you can't keep a job when your overall record is 4-20.  Remember, Kansas fired Turner Gill after two seasons, and he went 5-19.
2)  Dana Holgorsen of West Virginia.  Talk about a team that went from the penthouse to the outhouse.  When you can't beat Kansas, you are in some serious trouble, Toto.  He needs at least seven wins to keep his job, and frankly, with their schedule, the very best that I see is five or six wins.
3)  Gary Patterson of TCU.  We are finding out what kind of coach Patterson is since he moved up to one of the "big-boy" conferences.  Like Holgorsen, he went 4-8, last year.  He might can skate by with a seven win season.  Anything less, he might find himself in the unemployment line.
4)  Next in line.  Mike Gundy of Oklahoma State.  If he is going to stick around, he will need to beat Oklahoma more than once every decade.

Now, on to the B1G, or Big 10, or whatever number fits their image.
1)  Darrell Hazell of Purdue.  I know this is his second season; but, if he scores another 1-11 year, it will be his last.  The people in West Lafayette want to be somewhere in the same zip code as their hated rival, Notre Dame.  They haven't had too much to crow about since Kyle Orton's last year, 2004.
2)  Tim Beckman of Illinois.  Here's another coach that moved up from the Mid-American conference and hasn't produced since arriving in the B1G.  He's had two seasons at Illinois, his record is 6-18.  In looking at their schedule, I only see one winnable game within the conference and maybe three wins in their OOC. Best of luck, Tim.
3)  Kirk Ferentz of Iowa.  Expectations are high in Iowa City, primarily because the schedule is pretty easy until the eleventh game of the season; nevertheless, ole Kirk will manage to lose one of those games in which he is favored by a lot.  If he's worth that 3.86 million dollar salary, he needs to be at least 9-1, coming into the Wisconsin game.
Next in line.  Bo Pelini of Nebraska.  In his six seasons at Nebraska, he's compiled a 58-24, record.  Another Nebraska coach was fired after six seasons, and he went 58-19 (Frank Solich).  Then of course, there's Bill Callahan who ran the program into the ground.  Considering that Pelini had to inherit that mess, and what he has accomplished, I hope he will survive if he only wins nine games.

Looking west to the PAC-12.
1)  Sonny Dykes of California.  I don't think that the alumni that coughed up all of that money to improve the facilities and the stadium, had a 1-11 season in mind when they made their donations.  Heck, he became the first California coach since they began playing football in 1886, with a schedule of at least five games, not to win a single division one game, in a season.  They barely beat Portland State for their only win, 37-30.  Dykes needs to find some defense, or this will be his last year.
2)  Kyle Whittingham of Utah.  Here's another example of a coach that was doing great until his program moved into one of the power conferences.  Since Utah joined the PAC-12, they have gone 18-19.  Plus, they have had two straight losing seasons.  Third time's the charm, Kyle.
3)  Mike MacIntyre of Colorado.  Talk about a program that has seen better times.  Another second year coach who needs something good to happen; but, the odds of him winning more than four games are long, indeed.
Next in line. Mike Riley of Oregon State.  I think he's safe, unless he has a losing season.  If he breaks even, one of those wins better be against Oregon; I think that he has lost the last five or six in a row to the Ducks. 

And finally, the SEC.
1)  Will Muschamp of Florida.  Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.  Most of the local sports guys around here think that he has to win at least nine games, this season.  That's a tall order when LSU, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida State are on the schedule.
2)  Mark Stoops of Kentucky.  Another coach in his sophomore year who's job is in jeopardy.  He has to win at least one conference game, and practically, I don't see one.  Looks like another 2-10 season, with the possibility of going 3-9.  
3)  Bret Bielema of Arkansas.  Here's another case of a coach that lost all of his conference games.  Going 3-9 will not allow you to stay at Arkansas very long.  Just ask Houston Nutt.
Next in line.  Dan Mullen of Mississippi State.  This is supposed to be a break-out year for the Dogs (heck, they say that almost every year).  Nevertheless, by the end of the year, they will be struggling to become bowl eligible.  Even if he goes 7-5 (which is highly unlikely), the brood in Starkville will be ready to show him the door.

Now it's time to turn the page and head to the comedy zone, or what I like to call my attempt at picking games.  So, without further adieu, here they are.

West Virginia vs Alabama (10) @ Atlanta - Alabama has question marks at Quarter Back, the left side of the offensive line, and the secondary.  Other than that, it's business as usual.  So why do they get the "10" spot; easy, West Virginia's defense couldn't stop a bunch of girl scouts from scoring.  Plus, how hard is it to just hand the ball off to Yeldon, Henry, and every once in a while throw a pass to Cooper and Jones.  Unless Saban is lying to the media (which he's been guilty of before), Blake Sims will start at QB and take most of the reps, unless he has a terrible couple of series to start the game.  Anyway, look for Alabama to have too much on both sides of the ball for the Mountaineers to handle.  The Tide over West Virginia, 37-17.

Florida State (9) vs Oklahoma State @ Dallas - I read somewhere that Ok State lost 33 letter-men from last years team. That's almost 40% of the team.  Yikes.  Florida State has the majority of last year's play makers back for another run at the title, including ole King Crab Leg himself, Jameis Winston.  The Pokes will be in for a long evening come Saturday night.  Florida State over OSU, 38-25.

Arkansas @ Auburn (8) - There is no love loss between these two coaches.  Bret Bielema doesn't like the hurry up offense that Auburn has.  So what does he do, complain about it.  Gus Malzhan, being the class act that he is, has not had very much to say in return, other than he hopes to have his offense playing even faster (if that's possible) this season.  Nick Marshall will not start the game for Auburn; but, if the Hogs score early, look for Malzhan to cut the cord and send him in.  Look for the Tigers to smoke the Hogs, 34-16.

UCLA (7) @ Virginia - As stated above, Virginia's defense was giving up over 400 yards of offense, last season.  Now, they have to contend with UCLA's gunslinger, in Hundley.  The only thing that the Cavs have going for them is that the game is in Charlottesville, other than that, they have nothing.  Bruins start the season off on a positive note with a win over Virginia, 38-21.  I think that 21, maybe be a little generous.  The only reason I give them that many is because Hundley has been turnover prone at times.

Fresno State @ USC (6) - I don't know what to expect out of the Trojans, other than they will play with a lot of emotion, considering that this is the first game with a new coach.  They ended the season with a bowl win over Fresno, 45-20.  The Bulldogs have lost the guts of their offense from last season.  That doesn't bode well for the re-match of these two teams.  USC has the better players, and if they can keep the mistakes at a minimum, they will have a repeat performance from last year, 38-17.

Ohio State (5) @ Navy - By now, everybody with a pulse knows about the Buckeyes dilemma at the QB position.  No more Miller time.  Some of the goobs at ESPN are calling for this to be their upset special, with the Midshipmen winning over Ohio State.  I do think that if Navy is going to win the game, they will need to throw the ball more than five times; at least double it.  However, if Ohio State can't stop the run, it might be a long day for the Buckeyes.  Nevertheless, I'm going to give the nod to the team with the better athletes; Buckeyes over Navy, 31-19.

Wisconsin vs LSU (4) @ Houston - Les Miles has never lost an opener since he has been the coach at LSU; he's 9-0.  Wisconsin is breaking in a new QB.  Also, the Badgers lost the entire defensive line and linebackers, from last year's team.  LSU has concerns of their own, especially at QB.  Other than that, the Tigers are going to be a tough unit to deal with, this season.  Still, I look for this to be a tight game, and you know the old saying, whoever makes the least mistakes will win the game; so turnover margin will be a huge factor here.  Look for the Tigers to squeak by the Badgers, 26-21.

Clemson @ Georgia (3) - Time for some payback.  These two teams played one of the best games to open the season last year in Death Valley, with Clemson coming away with a 38-35 win.  Both teams lost key players; however, the Tigers were hit the hardest with graduation.  Plus, the Bulldogs are ready to redeem themselves from last year's loss.  Here's another possibility of a tight contest coming down to the wire.  In the end, I think Georgia will "one-up" the Tigers, 30-24.

Penn State (2) vs Central Florida @ Dublin, Ireland - How can you pick against a coach who has the name O'Leary, and the game is in Ireland.  That's just un-Irish.  Oh well, I've come up with crazier reasons as to why I pick one team over another.  There's no logic to the madness.  As you can tell, I have no real reason as to why I'm on Penn State, so you might better be on UCF.  Meanwhile, I'll waste two points on the Nittany Lions to escape from Ireland, before the Volcano blows, with a close win over the Knights, 27-24.

California (1) @ Northwestern - Once again, I'll save the "who cares" game for last.  Cal may score a bunch of points; but, they are going to give up a bunch, as well.  Hopefully, the Bears will revenge that loss from last year.  It will be interesting to see if Pat Fitzgerald (Northwestern's coach) has his players faking injuries on defense in attempt to slow down California, like he did last season.  I'll waste another point and take the Bears over the Wildcats by one point; 38-37.

Thank goodness the season is almost here.  As usual, with the opening of the season, you better tread at your own risk.  I see at least four to five games that could go either way, so be careful.  Until next week, enjoy the games and have a great weekend, and Roll Tide.


Friday, December 6, 2013

I'm like Douglas MacArthur with my week 15 selections

In the words of Douglas MacArthur:  "I shall return;" the Tide shall and will return and challenge for the NC, come next season.  Like some other dipstick always says on this message board; "Book it."  In all my years of watching football, I've never seen a game end like the Alabama/Auburn game.  There have been some great finishes in that rivalry by each team, over the years.  Up until last week's ending, the kick by Van Tiffin to end the game in 1985, had stood as the best ending in this series.  Yes, I know ESPN had their so-called list of top 10 Alabama/Auburn games and that one was not at the top; but, then again, that's why they are ES(Know-it-All)PN.  They can take any series and completely screw it up, because they don't know the history.  They speculate at it; just like they put some of these asinine games on this pick'em list.  More on that, later.

Time is short, so I'll get to the jokes as quick as I can.  Last week, I was 6-4, with 43 points.  For the season, the record stands at 97-43, good for 570 points and 96.3%.  Since I'm doing this on my lunch hour, time is of the essence.  Also, if I get something wrong (other than three or five of my selections), please forgive me.  Time to see what's behind door number one.

Florida State (10) vs Duke @ Charlotte - Now that Jameis Winston is cleared of criminal charges, the Noles can move on to greener pastures.  By greener pastures, we are talking of the Seminoles putting the Blue Devils on their backside, creating green grass stains on their uniforms.  Florida State over Duke, 44-20.

UCF (9) @ SMU - I read somewhere that a sportswriter stated that June Jones' seat was getting hot.  Really?  If SMU has any sense left in that University, they will extend his contract.  This season isn't his best work; nevertheless, we are talking SMU here.  Since coming off the death penalty, they probably have about three to five winning seasons (I'm not looking it up).  The only let down that I can see here is UCF might be a little complacent since they have locked up a BCS bowl game.  Nah, that ain't happening.  The Knights over the Shetland Ponies, 35-24.

Texas @ Baylor (8) - What was Gary Patterson crying about after last week's loss to the Bears?  I caught a glimpse of him having some choice words for Art Briles; but, I don't know what for.  Any who, Texas comes into Wacko, excuse me, Waco, trying to salvage their season.  Good luck with that, Mack.  I see where Petty has decided to come back for another season.  Smart move on his part.  As for the game, this could be a career ender for ole Mack.  The Bears should dispose of the cow pies that the Longhorns create.  Baylor over Texas, 38-31.

South Florida @ Rutgers (7) - I can't think of much to add to this drama love-feast of a game.  I'll guarantee this; it's going to be cold in Jersey.  How cold will it be, you asked.  So cold that they have canceled the running of the Bulls; wait a minute, that's in Spain and not in Jersey.  Nevertheless, look for the Bulls to be "Silent Running" (great song by Mike & the Mechanics), because of the cold.  The Scarlet Knights over the Tampa express, 35-21.

Utah State @ Fresno State (6) - I haven't seen any of Utah State, this season.  The only time that I have seen Fresno State was against San Jose State, which they lost.  Fresno State has no defense; but, they can score a truck load of points.  Since the game is being played in Fresno, I'll give the nod to the Bull dogs over the Aggies, 38-35.

Missouri (5) vs Auburn @ Atlanta - Nearly everyone around this part of the world wants to see a re-match of Auburn and Alabama.  Even the AD for Auburn said yesterday, "Bring on the Tide," we will play them anywhere, anytime; no matter if it's New Orleans, Pasadena, or, even Russia."  Be careful what you wish for Jay Jacobs; just ask Les Miles.  As for this game, it's Tiger against Tiger.  If Missouri hadn't gone to sleep in the fourth quarter of their game against South Carolina, a win here would have put them in the Big Game.  Now, they need some help.  They can start by putting Auburn down for the count.  There will be no miracle in the ATL; Missouri over Auburn, 31-23.

Stanford @ Arizona State (4) - The only two losses for ASU, came at the hands of Stanford, and Notre Dame.  Stanford beat Notre Dame.  So why pick the Sun Devils?  Because I can, and I am, because they are at home; and, as an added bonus, Stanford hasn't been doing so well of late, on the road (See USC).  Now that I've said that, watch the Cardinal come out and play like a beast.  Oh well, I'll take my licking and keep on ticking.  Taking the Sun Devils to burn down some Trees, 35-31.

Ohio State vs Michigan State (3) @ Indianapolis - Now, IF this does occur; and, that's a big IF; and for grins and giggles, let's say that Missouri beats Auburn and FSU wins over Duck; which one loss team will make it to the championship game?  My guess will be that Missouri will be the team that makes it, if this shakes out this way.  Stay tuned.  As for this contest, the Spartans WILL stop Braxton, or at least contain him.  Once he gets frustrated, Braxton will try to force the issue.  That's when Michigan State's corners will pick him apart.  Sparty over the Buckeyes, 23-21.

Oklahoma @ Oklahoma State (2) - Stoops has screwed me on four occasions this season.  Might as well make it five.  This game can go either way, just like the Alabama/Auburn game.  I'll pick the Pokes seeing as the game is being played in Stillwater.  Since their win against Kansas State, Oklahoma State has reeled off six straight wins by double digits.  I'm thinking that streak might be in jeopardy against the Sooners; however, they will still win the game.  Pokes over the Sooners, 37-33.

Memphis @ Connecticut (1) - This goes down as the "Who Cares" game of the season.  Heck, the game isn't even on TV; and, even if it was, who would watch it.  With this selection, the picking committee at ESPN, goes out with a blast.  Give me the UConn over Memphis for one point, and by one point, 28-27.

Well, that puts the wraps on this season.  For those of you that have been following this mess over the years, you know that I don't do any write ups for the bowl games.  There are just too many of them.  Also, I would like to express my thanks to all of you that have read and continue to read this nonsense.  You know the drill, I have at least three screw ups, maybe more, so tread at your own risk.  For those that say my beloved Tide screwed the pooch with our loss to Auburn, I'll say to you, at least we have been in the Championship conversation for the past six years, while winning three of them.  The sun don't shine on the same dog's butt all of the time, even the likes of Auburn finds a ray of light, once in a while.  Until we meet again. stay safe.  Happy Holidays to everyone and enjoy all of the games.  Roll Tide.
